Seven Order Picker Course Tips for Safer Operation at Your Facility

An order picker is a piece of equipment that efficiently picks items and places them adequately in proper places. Forklifts are pieces of machinery that raise and lower loads, but an order picker lifts the operator to a height for conducting their work. Order pickers are also known as stock pickers, and it is one of the most used machinery in industrial domains. Thus, an operator must know all the safety guidelines, and an order picker course can be beneficial.

Complete the training before operating the machine

Industries prefer candidates who are proficient in their work. Thus, if you wish to become an operator handling heavy machinery like an order picker, it is essential to complete the order picker forklift training from Melbourne. Training makes a person proficient in knowing the technicalities of a machine. Also, having practical knowledge with theories in mind helps conduct work with utmost safety and minimum technical issues.

Identify the threats in the surroundings and avoid them with grace

Training helps improve a person’s cognitive thinking ability. The first thing to conduct is a hazard analysis. This safety procedure helps identify potential threats in and around the worksite.

Tie off in the platform while working at heights

Because order pickers work at a high elevation, they must wear fall protection. Therefore, the first thing they learn in the “order picker course” is that workers working at heights wear a body harness. Also, many stock pickers have extra safety features such as fences and gates that prevent an operator from exiting the equipment while elevated. Further, fall protection equipment should be properly fitted and adjusted for each operator who utilises the machine.

Place hands on the controls

Although many order pickers need you to drive, stop, and then lift, driveable order pickers on the market allow you to rise and drive simultaneously. It increases the picking efficiency. While the device remains in motion, your hands should be on the controls and basket, regardless of the variant chosen. This keeps you in charge of the machine and keeps your hands and arms safe as you navigate tight places or small aisles.

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